The Arab Innovation Network (AIN) was established in 2011 by Arab ‎Students at the University of Cambridge. AIN is a registered charity in the ‎UK and Wales.


To be the leading network in fostering innovation in science and technology ‎in the Arab world.‎


  • Attracting, motivating‎‏ ‏and developing young innovators’ skills to ‎foster innovation in the Arab world.‎
  • Improving the level of education in the Arab world by engaging with ‎young people to generate enthusiasm around innovation and ‎entrepreneurship.‎
  • Improving knowledge and experience transfer across the Arab world.‎


  • Arab Innovation Network Annual Conference.
  • AIN Camp for innovators.
  • AIN Student Societies.

The Arab Innovation Network-An-Najah National University:‎

In 2011, the Arab Innovation Network branch was opened at An-Najah ‎National University to foster innovation and healthy competition among ‎Arab Students.‎


Email:  ([email protected])

Facebook : (

Organizational Structure:

Mohammad B. M. Shreem President
Ali Abdalrahim Radi Hanbali Human Resources
Omar Farook Nabeel Bishtawi Treasurer
Qamar Nedal Mahmmoud Quqa Planning and Secretariat
Nura Husam Yousef Qasrawi Media
Marah Azzam M. Shabib Activities Coordinator
Mohy S. N.  Darwazeh Photographer & Designer